Quality and Integrity Since 1947...

In business for more than half a century, S. Letvin and Son, Inc., is a family owned company located in Los Angeles, California. We specialize in the processing of high temperature metals, specifically 6/4 titanium fasteners. What sets our company apart from others in the industry is the unique sortation process used to segregate titanium fasteners and small solids from mixed or contaminated loads. Customers who previously sold scrap titanium at "ferro-ti prices" are now being paid double or triple when selling these same materials to Letvin and Son. Our method allows us to guarantee the destruction of scrap and provide destruction certificates as needed.

Our company sells a high quality, roto-grade 6/4 titanium feedstock package to major titanium producing mills throughout the United States. Our sortation and cleaning process allows us to unconditionally guarantee all 6/4 titanium feedstock sales. Metal recyclers and even our competitors have come to realize that the high prices paid by Letvin and Son are un-matched in the industry.

Affiliations and References...

Letvin and Son is an International Titanium Associate. We are a Boeing Approved vendor. Our clients include the top manufacturers in aerospace and major titanium mills throughout the country. We will be happy to provide you with a list of firms who have come to rely on Letvin and Son.

To Reach Us:

Shipping address
13210 S. Figueroa Street, Los Angeles, CA 90061, USA
Postal address
        P.O. Box 2580, Gardena, CA  90247-0580
Click HERE for our E-Mail contacts to send e-mail directly to key Letvin & Son staff.


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Los Angeles, CA, USA   Tel. (310)-327-0590  Fax: (310)-327-0842  E-mail: letvin@titaniumscrap.com
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